Sunday, December 14, 2014

Williams Family Bible

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Here's a teaser about the Williams family Bible.

Pictured here (and in the site's background) is the cover of the Williams family Bible probably owned by Edward E. Williams (1839 - 1904), the son of Edward Williams (1801 - 1851) and Margaret Jones (1801 - 1863). This Welsh language Bible may predate the family's immigration to Wisconsin from Wales in the autumn of 1846. We know for sure that the book dates at the latest to 1903, for it was then that Edward E. wrote a genealogy in the front pages.     

The genealogy written by Edward E. (b. 1839) tells about his parents, his sister, his wife Jane Thomas, and he and Jane's eleven children.

The Bible is currently in the possession of Bruce Edward Williams, III, who is a descendant of Edward E. via his youngest child, Henry Humphrey Williams.

For more on the family Bible and the history written within it, see the appendices of The Williams Family: Edward Williams, Margaret Jones, and Their Descendants (coming soon).  

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